Beautiful Elizabeth
Another great Lady of the Silver Screen is gone… She is leaving us with some stunning images of herself and of her talent. Remember « Who’s afraid of Virginia Worlf »? And…
Palais d’Iena et Prada
Ou quand la mode combine architecture, art et muséologie. C’est maintenant un haut-lieu pour les défilés. Bravo pour l’initiative, c’est un endroit sublime, construit par Auguste Perret à la fin…
Art Deco is back
But then… did it ever left? Campagne Louis Vuitton 2011. Bonheur.
Crazy of…
Crazy Horse new Show in Paris. Always so right-to-the-point and beautiful!
She’s a young mexican friend of mine, 17, model and full of promises. Enjoy! To see the film, click on either one: Marleen Dietrich inspired Fashion Film
Sugar packet thought of the day
« Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed. » Don Wood Working with a high energy fun group, the daily schedule for us always has a nice quote to make us smile….
citation du jour
« Les biens et la fortune n’ont d’avantage que pour qui sait en jouir. » Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de la Brède et de MONTESQUIEU
Steve Jobs my heroe
So happy he’s back. A fighter. A Visionnaire. He changed the face of Communications. The world is divided in two: MAC or PC. He gave us toys to actually work…