Iris Apfel: ‘It Seems That the Fatter and Uglier People Are, the Fewer Clothes They Wear’

Ninety-year-old style icon turned jewelry designer Iris Apfel tells the Telegraph, « Now when I walk down Fifth Avenue in the summertime I just want to throw up. It seems that the fatter and uglier people are, the fewer clothes they wear. The shorts and flip-flops and tight jeans on butts that go from here to Poughkeepsie. » She shuddered, and continued: « I always say they should put people in jail for wearing clothes like that. Especially stretch jeans over size 10 — they should be outlawed. Ten years ago people were starting to look like slobs in New York, now it’s an epidemic. »
Agreed! with a name half flower, half fruit, you could expect such a buzz. Total inspiration, I just love her!