Tribute#2: varia
So here are more images I loved. These have been gathered in the last weeks. I have a huge file waiting to be put online, though I doubt I’ll have…
So here are more images I loved. These have been gathered in the last weeks. I have a huge file waiting to be put online, though I doubt I’ll have…
All year long, I come across amazing images on internet. Today, to conclude this 2011 in a beautiful way, I decided to ad them on my blog to share. I…
« When someone you love disappears, it’s like the light goes dim, and you’re in the shadows. You try to do what people tell you: put one foot in front of…
L’agence MVRDV a présenté ce projet controversé “The Cloud”. Un bâtiment composé de deux tours jumelles reliées au milieu par un “nuage de pixel” évoquant selon certains les Twin Towers….
Maman, j’ai raté l’avion. Pas le film, dans la vraie vie. J’ai raté la chance d’aller en jet privé dix jours en Floride. C’est comme ça. Je passerai donc cette…
HOME ALONE… Not the movie but in real life. Well, not quite alone. I have my doggie-dog, my little friend TRUFFLE, all pampered and ready for Xmas with scarf and…
« Shooting a self-portrait is a provocative experience because it allows you to look at yourself through the eyes of others. Being aware of what you are is the most difficult… Jeff Leatham
Le designer KEIN CROSS, qui habite Paris, a fait ses décorations façon Henri Bendel… Est-ce bien? À vous de juger. C’est dans la lignée THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX dont j’essaie…
Here is a wonderful photo of wonderful DIANE KEATON, as seen through the lens of ANNIE LEIBOVITZ Big or small, I call this aging gracefully…